India batsman Cheteshwar Pujara, who is currently quarantining in Mumbai ahead of the England tour, took to social media to introduce his ‘gaming partner’ during the period.
India’s Test specialist Cheteshwar is currently serving the mandatory quarantine period in Mumbai ahead of the England Tour. The players from the Virat Kohli-led will be in isolation for around 2 weeks in the Maharashtra capital before boarding the flight to the UK. A 10-day quarantine will follow upon their landing in the European nation.
Being confined to days in a hotel room can get difficult for anyone but athletes in these unprecedented times have no option to evade these mandatory ordeals. Different individuals have different ways to tackle these monotonous periods. Some keep themselves busy by spending time on social media, some like reading or watching something new, exercising in the confined area is also enjoyed by some but Pujara has found a unique way.
In a picture posted by India’s prolific number 3, he can be seen getting indulged in a video game session with his daughter Aditi. Both have gaming consoles in their hands and focus blatantly visible on their faces.
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