The basic function of every soccer cleat is the same – rolling and kicking the ball. Why are there so many varieties of soccer cleats then? Check out the top 4 picks of Nike football shoes and you will notice ...
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How to Work Effectively at Your Workplace
Working a 6-day work week may be the norm, but is it really the best way to get your job done? Recent research suggests that productivity can suffer when people work more hours than they need to and that in ...
How the Modern technology is spoiling the Young
Technology is ruining the youth. We see it every day: kids are growing up more and more attached to their phones and computers. Their brains are literally being wired to be hypersensitive to bright colors and moving images. They are ...
Why wearing pajamas can make you happier and healthier
Pajamas can also make you healthy: According to some research, when you sleep in comfy pajamas, you are more likely to rest better and wake up refreshed and energized. If you feel well rested after a good night’s sleep, you ...