As a healthy fruit, apples have a lot of ‘name-calling’. Physicians also advise patients to eat apples if they are sick for multiple health benefits. However, without the advice of a doctor, many people eat one or two apples a day out of love.
According to researchers at the American Association for Cancer Research, eating apples reduces the risk of pancreas cancer by about 23 percent. They claim that apples contain large amounts of flavonols that inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the pancreas.
Researchers at Cornell University in New York have found a substance called triterpenoids in apples. These triterpenoids inhibit the growth of breast, liver and colon cancer cells. In addition, eating apples reduces the risk of diabetes by about 26 percent. This is because the fiber in apples helps to keep the blood sugar balance right.
However, there are some harmful aspects of this beneficial fruit that can cause your health, even death! Let’s find out now …
1) If anyone in the family has an allergy problem, it is better to stay away from apples. This is because the wax on the skin of the apple can make the allergy problem worse. The sulfur dioxide in the wax on apples can cause a number of physical problems, including sore throat and nausea.
2) Multiple studies have shown that apples are the most commonly used pesticide to artificially increase apple yield and protect it from pests. The side effects of these pesticides are deadly to our bodies! Apples cannot be disinfected even after washing with water. As a result, there is a risk of health damage
3) Apple seeds are deadly harmful to our health! If apple seeds get into the stomach, it increases the risk of health as well as death. Although one or two seeds do not cause much damage, multiple physical problems can occur, including abdominal cramps, nausea, headaches, and abnormal fatigue. However, chewing several apple seeds can cause severe poisoning in the body. Excessive amounts of amygdalin in apple seeds interfere with the body’s oxygen balance. The normal supply of oxygen to the blood is disrupted. The result can be up to death in a minute!
So eat as many apples as you like. However, these issues mentioned in the health protection should be kept in mind.
Sara J.
Never occurred to me that people can have allergies with apple seeds or wax.
Very Informative, Thanks!