How do we think of education in today’s world? Getting into schools, taking classes and learning skills to make a living? or has it been always that way? Almost everybody spends years in educational institution, find out their interest and choose their way forward, but things don’t seem going right way, not for everyone! Technology has revolutionized every field in the world from farming to launching satellite into the orbit, also consequently a large proportion of our time is consumed by it in terms of work.
We become qualified to work for corporations, but we forget the education behind with the changing world. Qualification teaches us methods of working whereas, Education is about learning values and values are always intrinsically absolute. Education doesn’t only involve teaching about skills, but how should we react to different situations and understanding behavioral tendencies to build a prosperous and inclusive culture of mental healthcare and autonomy.
Sara J.
It’s always about making living and building a society with values, and with mobile phones, the youth follows only what’s made trend out of anything.