Corona virus vaccine trials were halted due to a side effect reported in a patient in the UK. Studies were paused to investigate the cause of side effect which was deemed to be caused by the vaccine. however, there was no association of side effects found in the investigation. Secretary health showed satisfaction over vaccine concerns and regarded the efforts of scientists to put safety first while ensure that we get the vaccine as soon as possible. After successful testing of phase 1 and 2, the trial stage proceeded to phase 3 which involves around 30,000 participants from the US, UK, Brazil and South Africa. According to the Oxford University, it was expected that some participants might feel unwell and it’s not something unusual, however, vaccine trials shall be resumed following a detailed safety review of independent safety review committee and the medicine and healthcare products regulatory authority.
The goal is to develop 400M doses of vaccines and make it accessible to thousands of Europeans and to middle and low income countries as well. AstraZeneca has formed agreements with European’s Inclusive Vaccine Alliance comprises of France, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands with the aim of expanding it’s supply chain and build global capacity to make the vaccine accessible. The company has sped up its research efforts to prevent the spread of novel corona virus by find neutralizing antibodies.
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