Digestive problems or metabolic problems cause various diseases in the body. For example, long-term metabolic problems lead to excessive accumulation of dietary cholesterol in the blood. Researchers at the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee claim that drinking a certain amount of coffee every day helps reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. They claim that metabolic syndrome or metabolic problems greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or heart disease.
At a recent conference of nutritionists and experts held in Dublin, Ireland, organized by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, Professor Giuseppe Grosso claimed that the habit of drinking coffee after waking up in the morning helps lower blood cholesterol. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease or heart disease. According to him, coffee is actually helpful indigestion.
Dr. Oliver Kennedy of the University of Southampton in England and his research team conducted a study of about 430,000 participants, who found that drinking two cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of liver cirrhosis by about 44%. According to Dr. Kennedy, the benefits of filtered coffee outweigh those of boiled coffee. However, coffee not only reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis but also helps to control any metabolic problems while keeping the liver functioning normally.
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